Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I have a new mantra: "Don't let perfect get in the way of better." I have had to devise this cue to remind me that as a perfectionist, I am also a procrastinator...it can't be done right now unless I have the time to make sure it is done perfectly, right?!?!?

Tonight I have let my perfectionism get in the way of my studying...do I complete the 10 page, 25-extra credit point paper and study for my 4th Exam and Final so that I can prove to be the exemplary student, or do I forgo the extra credit and better use my time to ace my exams, or do I complete the paper for a buffer and not have as much study time for my exams, or...honestly, I can go (and have gone) on for hours with this decision!

Perfectionism is definitely not all it is cracked up to be!