Monday, September 24, 2007

Curse of the Oleander

Who plants an oleander because it would "just be so pretty here"? Definitely not a native Arizonan! We know better....they are poisonous, allergenic masses of ugly! It has about all the glory of gravel - you can walk all over it, probably drive all over it, and it doesn't seem to mind.

We have three huge ones in our front yard that came with the house - I have hated those things since we moved in. We finally bit the bullet and paid a landscaper to remove them for us, but the darn things are so stubborn that they just about pulled his truck bumper off as he was attempting to pull them out with a chain.

Vegetation killer, gasoline (can't burn them though because the smoke is toxic), maybe a shotgun??? Regrettably, I think the only thing that will get rid of these awful speciman of a plant will be hours and hours and hours upon more hours of digging (by my husband, of course)!