Thursday, March 20, 2008

Skunkhair Skunkpants

Is she Spongebob Squarepants hot new girlfriend? No, but she could be!

Skunkhair Skunkpants (aka: Amanda Overmeyer on American Idol) was one of TJ's favorites and he was so disappointed to see her go: "I like Skunkhair. She's awesome." But, alas, another one bites the dust.

Which is o.k. with Brynn. She didn't particularly care for the un-princesslike "skunkiness" that was Amanda's hair. "Hey, girls don't have hair like skunks!" Oh, but some girls do.

Anyways, so long, Skunkhair Skunkpants...maybe the folks in Bikini Bottom would love for you to come do a show at the local sandbar!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

By Smart, I Also Mean a Little Bit Odd at Times

He has the mental capacity to remember an event that happened 4 years ago. He can name and draw at least 7 different species of cacti. He can tell you today's date.

But, he has a shoe in his mouth. A dirty shoe. In his mouth.

In the meantime, while I certainly appear cool, calm, and collected on the outside, I am freaking out about the unquantifiable amount of germs that are happily parading from shoe to mouth. Has the kid never heard of "Foot-and-Mouth" disease?!?!? Well, I guess he wouldn't have since he is not a cow. Or pig. Or goat. Or sheep. Or any other variety of hooved animal normally infected by this virus...

But SHOE + MOUTH = eewww!

He is also notorious for tucking his shirt into his underwear.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Click On This If Your Screen is Dirty

Seriously, Click on This Link'll thank me later! Oh, yes you will...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Grace: A Study in Contrast

My daughter is quite inventive. Oh, yes she is, that one. And, she is ALWAYS on the cutting edge of fashion. I am pretty sure that Prima Ballerinas all over the world (because, as I am sure you are well aware, they are my biggest readership that a real term, readership base...oh, I digress again...) are shrieking in horror at the sight of this little girl in her soft, pale pink ballerina outfit and, um, are those Daddy's dirty, grungy running shoes?!?!?! Why, yes they are. Stylish choice in footwear, my little ballerina!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I Can Forgive My Children for No Longer Being Able to Have a Pleasant Dinner in a Restaurant (Fancy or Not)

  1. Because of their endless fascination with an apple that can be both red and green at the same time.
  2. Soft, sweet butterfly kisses as bedtime.
  3. Endless admiration for their ability to wake in the morning smiling, laughing, and playing with at least 10 toys before their little feet even hit the floor.
  4. Still being able to read the same books after five years and discovering something new about the story each time.
  5. Having serious conversations about why we cannot have candy or ice cream for breakfast.
  6. Being reminded each time we drive by one that "Oh...there is another palm tree that you don't like." Note to self: when expressing personal likes and dislikes to a four-year-old who doesn't forget a thing you say other than that pertaining to housekeeping, remember that he will keep said list of preferences and aversions handy to use at the most inopportune (read: embarassing) moments).
  7. Being able to read "Where the Wild Things Are" on a regular basis.
  8. Quick forgiveness of my short temper.
  9. Being reminded that, in certain circles, the word "poop" can be the source of endless laughter and tantilizing conversation.
  10. A big hug and "Mama...I love you" -- for absolutely no reason.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Reasons to Wake Up Before 6:13 am, Reason #16

And then there was the morning I realized that the Pretty Princess Make-Up Kit from Aunt "RoRo" needs to be kept under lock and key. At. All. Times.

I just know that Tammy Faye is so proud right now. I mean who wouldn't be envious of this stunning makeover? Soft, supple, smooth skin and creamy, bubblegum pink makeup - it's like a dream come true!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Plague

I'm pretty sure that I have contracted The Plague. That, or just (another) respiratory infection. I think that my immune system has been subjected to just about every viral infection out there (plus a few bacterial ones) since having children. Oh...when will it every end?