Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I Can Forgive My Children for No Longer Being Able to Have a Pleasant Dinner in a Restaurant (Fancy or Not)

  1. Because of their endless fascination with an apple that can be both red and green at the same time.
  2. Soft, sweet butterfly kisses as bedtime.
  3. Endless admiration for their ability to wake in the morning smiling, laughing, and playing with at least 10 toys before their little feet even hit the floor.
  4. Still being able to read the same books after five years and discovering something new about the story each time.
  5. Having serious conversations about why we cannot have candy or ice cream for breakfast.
  6. Being reminded each time we drive by one that "Oh...there is another palm tree that you don't like." Note to self: when expressing personal likes and dislikes to a four-year-old who doesn't forget a thing you say other than that pertaining to housekeeping, remember that he will keep said list of preferences and aversions handy to use at the most inopportune (read: embarassing) moments).
  7. Being able to read "Where the Wild Things Are" on a regular basis.
  8. Quick forgiveness of my short temper.
  9. Being reminded that, in certain circles, the word "poop" can be the source of endless laughter and tantilizing conversation.
  10. A big hug and "Mama...I love you" -- for absolutely no reason.