Monday, August 27, 2007

Happily Ever After...The End

Phew...we just completed a three day celebration of Brynn's 3rd birthday...I did not realize until this evening that my daughter (at least at this age) will never grow weary of princess themed clothing, toys, stickers, napkins, plates, cups, utensils, coloring books, shoes, etc, etc. I didn't know there was really that much "princess" stuff out there!

She partied with the Treiber's at Aunt Lori's house: pizza and a blue-and-pink Cinderella ice cream cake...lots of adorable ballerina-themed outfits and gear, two really pretty dresses, and Ariel the Little Mermaid!

Daddy and brother took her to see Ratatouille on Sunday - wonderfully kind thought, but without any really girly characters, and definitely no princesses, she was sorely disappointed (but she got to wear a pink tutu skirt out with Daddy, which has never happened before...I still don't think Daddy was to keen on the outfit, but hey, it's her birthday)!

We rounded out the celebration at Granny's house with a pink cake (inside and out), pink ice cream, and the winner-of-the-most-cherished-gift-by-Brynn award: a big, poufy, Cinderella gown with matching glass slippers that have blinking blue lights in the heels...she already asked if she could wear it to school tomorrow!

Pink...Princesses...Ballerinas...Dresses...Shoes...what more could a little girl ask for?!?!?!

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Things That Do Not Go Together

Bananas and mayonnaise...chocolate and mustard...white shorts and green coke and mentos...libraries and three-year-olds...a pretty pink & white boutique party dress and royal blue icing from a Cinderella ice cream cake.

Divide and Conquer

After much thought and consideration, and an unbelievable amount of stress, I have decided to wait and apply for the Fall 2008 BSN (Nursing) program. I was going to apply for the one starting this coming January, but that would have meant carrying 18 credit hours this semester, along with studying for an intensive assessment exam, taking a CPR course, and aquiring at least 8 more hours of volunteer time. My pride and perfection wanted me to go for it, but finally reason took over. It is only a 7-month setback - and what is 7 months in the grand scheme of things, right? Now I have a few extra months to divide and conquer the huge list of application criteria before the deadline of mid-March...phew!

And Then There Were Five

Five days until we are walking through the gates of the happiest place on earth! The kids are down to the last five links on their paper countdown chains and are becoming so excited...Disneyland here we come!

My Name Is Earl...

When I was managing apartments in Prescott, one of my service guys was named Earl. Earl B...from Ely, Minnesota. I loved Earl - he had the best Pollock jokes (he was Polish, which makes it ok), was a great storyteller, had a heart of gold, and played the bass guitar. One night we went to watch him play at a local bar - he was really great, and according to legend, may have toured in the 60's and 70's with some renowned rock bands. Anyways, he played "Mustang Sally" that night and it was the best rendition of that song that I have ever heard...I've never forgotten it.

I was at Starbucks this week, and they were playing "Mustang Sally" covered by Wilson Pickett - it reminded me of Earl and I've thought about him all week - when I left Prescott, he was going through some rough times, I think with drinking, a DUI, and job/marital problems. I wish I had taken the time to keep in touch with Earl - he is one of those people who, even though only a part of your life for a brief time, stays with you forever...."Ride, Sally, Ride."

Monday, August 6, 2007

My Friend Cinderella

Brynn has started greeting ladies at the mall, the grocery store, and pretty much anyone we meet with "My name is you know my friend Cinderella?"

It's funny, but most of them just kind of look at her, head tilted to the side, and don't respond - really, it's a simple question, but I think many adults just forget how to engage in imaginative conversation with a 2 1/2, almost 3-year's kind of sad in a way...

Anyway, she loves her Cinderella - the stories, the movies (yes...there are at least 2 sequels to the original), and dolls - I really hope she loves the real-life Cinderella just as much when we meet her at Disneyland in a few weeks! She can be unpredictable, though, and I would not be surprised in the least if she either ran away screaming or hit the poor princess!


So we let the cat out of the bag and told the kiddos we are planning a trip to Disneyland - although it's not that far away, each morning we are greeted with an enthusiastic "Is today the day we are going to Disneyland?" The daily inquisition borders on being very cute and very frustrating - what was I thinking!?!?!?

Friday, August 3, 2007

The "Target on Oracle & Roger"

I don't like "The Target on Oracle & Roger" - it's the worst (and oldest) Target store in the entire city of Tucson, and each time I go there it is such a monumental disappointment.

I try time and time again to avoid going there, but somehow, that place always ends up being closest when I'm in need of a Target (and if you know me, that is often - at least three times a week!). The place just sucks you in and then succeeds at ruining the whole Target experience everytime!

If you live in Tucson , please, take my advice and avoid "The Target on Oracle & Roger" - you'll thank me for it one day!