Monday, November 26, 2007

Mama, I'm Hungry...

You just ate.

But I'm still hungry.

You should have finished the food on your plate.

But I'm still hungry.

Here, have a piece of fruit. Yogurt? Raisins?


Well, what is it that you want, then?



But I'm Huuuuuunnnnnnggggrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy!

No! (as I inwardly curse the Trick-or-Treating festivities that gave way to this daily conversation)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Amazing Turkey Recipes

T's preschool teacher had her students (four-year-olds, mind you) provide us with their best turkey recipes. Here's the little man's:

"Go to a barn to get your turkey. Catch the one that is really clean. Shoot him! Take him to the oven. Pull the feathers off. Put a gallon of cinnamon all over the outside. Put 10 cups of juice around the turkey. Put it in an oven on ten. Cook it for thirty minutes. You can have turkey sandwiches. Have turkey custard for dessert!"

Yummy! Do you want some?!?!

"Catch the one that is really clean" - obviously, the poor child has inherited his mama's fear of dirty, disease-ridden birds.

"Shoot him!" - He's his father's son, alright!

"...a gallon of cinnamon..." Now that's just...interesting (and a little wierd)!

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's Friday...

That is my son...on 12:13 pm...still in his jammies. Nice. The "Mom-of-the-Year" Award Committee will definitely NOT be knocking at my door this year! Oh well, at least Brynn was dressed for the occassion...afterall, the ball is just hours away!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Reasons To Wake Up Before 6:13 AM, Reason #31

6:30 am: Walk into bathroom to wash face.

6:30:23 am: Faint smell of something...what is that?

6:30:29 am: Really, what IS that...I know that smell but can't seem to place it. Weird.

6:31 am: Do a lightning-speed flip through the little rolodex of odors in my head. Cleaning product? No - not strong enough. Toothpaste. No - not sweet enough. Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm. No - not minty enough. It is more chemical, more...

6:31:10 am: Then I look down. Oh - nail polish...that's the smell that absolutely does not belong in my bathroom at 6:30 am. In "Rose to the Occasion" pink. On my ceramic tile floor. With a little trail leading out to the hallway. Awesome.

6:31:19 am: Follow the bright pink trail of lacquer to the second bathroom where a little girl is frantically scrubbing her tiny little fingers with a tiny little piece of toilet paper covered in a whole bunch of Kandoo Jungle Fruits soap - extra foamy. Fantastic.

6:31:23 am: Process a plan of action to clean the streaks of "Rose to the Occasion" (and boy did she ever) off of her legs, her stomach, her face, fingers, and toes at a time of the morning when I can hardly manage the monumental task of actually removing myself from my down comforter that is oh so comfy...

6:31:30: A sponge bath with nail polish remover ought to do the trick. That and training myself to wake up before Brynn. Her internal alarm clock (which she never, ever hits the snooze button on) goes off at 6:13 am - everyday, rain or shine, late-to-bed or not - it's amazing! But early. Early.

I have to give the diva some credit where credit is due, however. She did manage to remove the nail polish cap without spilling it all over the floor (otherwise, this story would have a dramatically different tone). And if you look close, she did a fairly decent job of full coverage on her nails.

And the cuticles. And in between the fingers and toes...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Note to Self

Don't submit yourself to unneccesary torture. Before taking small children to a new park...please do a drive by (without children of course), taking the time to scope it out first. Most importantly, determine whether or not the bathrooms are more than 150 yards away from the gigantic treehouse play structure...if so, don't take the kids there. Ever. Ever. EVER.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Quote of the Day


A Moment of Zen for All Y'All

Deep thoughts from a 4 year old:

"Why are you still here if you're not going anywhere?"

The kid's amazing. Such wisdom. Such insight. Quite enigmatic, this one. Our own little Buddha. Or maybe the 'Tao of T' is really just the nonsensical ramblings of a 4 year old...

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Brynn can be quite the little diva...this is what she would wear to school everyday if left to her own devices. Well, she MIGHT put on clothes (but only if it's a dress or skirt), and she may even treat her admirers to some highly fashionable knit purple or pink polka dot mittens - worn on either the hands or the feet, and I am pretty sure she would don her crown so that nobody would mistake her for anything other than the princess that she is!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick-or-Treating with Davy Jones

Trick-or-Treating was fun...well, it was fun until we got to the, um let's see, second house. You see, there were some very well-meaning, fun-loving neighbors who were really into the spirit of Halloween. Maybe it was the fact that we had just come from a sweet older woman who was VERY interested in Princess B's story about the Cinderella costume, or maybe it was the strobe light and spider webs; maybe the creepy Halloween music; maybe even the risque "Policewoman", or MAYBE it was just the really tall man dressed up in a very realistic Davy Jones costume from Pirates of the Caribbean (otherwise known as "Octopus Pirate Guy" at our house).

Whatever it was, Princess B decided right then and there that Trick-or-Treating was a highly questionable event. No more running eagerly up the driveway for her candy, and definitely no more ringing of the doorbell - who knows who (or what) might open that door! She did finish her Trick-or-Treating escapade, because after all, candy was involved. But, she did so quite reluctantly, dragging her little feet along in her flashing Cinderella glass slippers...TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!!

Oh...and did I mention that T was bold this year and chose the Fireman costume for the THIRD time? He plays it safe...consistency is key with this one!

On A Good Day...

It is a rare occasion to have both of my children standing nicely together for a is even rarer to have both sets of eyes open, looking in the general vicinity of the camera, and an expression that is not on the verge of, PLEASE, enjoy - it may be a while before this happens again!

Oh...and please ignore the dubious hand placement and mischevious grin - he loves his little sister, really!