Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Amazing Turkey Recipes

T's preschool teacher had her students (four-year-olds, mind you) provide us with their best turkey recipes. Here's the little man's:

"Go to a barn to get your turkey. Catch the one that is really clean. Shoot him! Take him to the oven. Pull the feathers off. Put a gallon of cinnamon all over the outside. Put 10 cups of juice around the turkey. Put it in an oven on ten. Cook it for thirty minutes. You can have turkey sandwiches. Have turkey custard for dessert!"

Yummy! Do you want some?!?!

"Catch the one that is really clean" - obviously, the poor child has inherited his mama's fear of dirty, disease-ridden birds.

"Shoot him!" - He's his father's son, alright!

"...a gallon of cinnamon..." Now that's just...interesting (and a little wierd)!