Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh, Haiku - I Love You

I don't know if you noticed, but I wrote my recent post Blink as a series of haiku. Haiku are fun. Haiku are great. I might just start conversing in haiku prose from now on. That would be fun.

Here are a few for your reading pleasure. You can join in if you want - it's kind of addicting. What? What's that you say? What is a haiku?

haiku are easy
but sometimes they don't make sense

**this one is not my own - I found it while I was Googling haiku

tucson city street
potholes strewn like Mia's pearls
tires scream in pain
**this one is my own, and just for the record, Tucson streets leave a lot to be desired.

At least now you will understand what is going on when you see one of these little gems in the future instead of saying, "Hey...Candace has kinda lost it, dontcha know."